Our BRIDGE Project Coordinator, Ezinne Nwankwo, will participate in the Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research (MTPCCR) this summer.
The program was founded by, Dr. Rena J. Pasick, with the goal of encouraging ethnic minority master’s level students and public health professionals to pursue doctoral degrees and careers in cancer disparities research. The program includes a five-day Summer Institute, paid internships and up to $2,000 -for eligible applicants- to cover doctoral application costs.
Ms. Nwankwo will participate in the five-day Summer Institute at UCSF. The Institute showcases the opportunities that are available in cancer disparities research- from surveillance to health service research- and provides information about how to successfully apply to doctoral programs.
Learn more about the MTPCCR by visiting: http://cancer.ucsf.edu/research/training/minority-training-program-in-cancer-control-research/