UCSF Teaching Assistant Boot Camp

September 16, 2014 to September 26, 2014
Parnassus & Mission Bay Campuses

Calling all post-docs and graduate fellows:

This is a very short, introductory course, mostly aimed at providing life sciences TAs with basic skills to get started in their TA position, and that it may not be the best fit for students and fellows who have either participated in the UCSF BEST course or in the SFSU SEPAL program in the past, but all are welcome.

topics: designing multiple choice exam questions, planning review sessions, managing discussion sections, teaching adult learners of various scientific levels, what to expect as a UCSF TA, as well as fundamental pedagogical principles around scientific teaching, active learning, backward design and student-centered teaching.

Registration deadline has been extended to Tuesday, September 9th.


The "TA Boot Camp" will be offered in two sections (Part 1 and Part 2). Each part will be offered twice at Mission Bay and once at Parnassus. Lunch will be provided.

Pre-registration to each part of the boot camp is required and space is limited.

Part 1: Choose a session:

Registration: http://bitly.com/UCSFTA1

Tuesday 9/16, 12:30pm-4pm at Mission Bay

Wednesday 9/17, 9:30am-1pm at Parnassus

Thursday 9/18, 9:30am-1pm at Mission Bay

Part 2: Choose a session:

Registration: http://bitly.com/UCSFTA2

Friday 9/19, 9:30am-1pm at Parnassus

Thursday 9/25, 12:30pm-4pm at Mission Bay

Friday 9/26, 9:30am-1pm at Mission Bay