
Mission Bay Mission Hall 1401
Genentech N-114
Qualitative Writing

The OCPD annual bootcamp on Qualitative Writing is taught by Kathy Charmaz, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Faculty Writing Program at Sonoma State University, a program

Laurel Heights
Mission Bay 1400
CCSF Biosymposium Featuring Undergraduate Research, Career Exploration and Networking

Are you looking to mentor an intern? Do you want to volunteer as a poster judge or to be on an interview panel? Do you want to network with faculty or biotech industry scientists?

Genentech Hall Atrium and N114
Mission Bay Mission Hall 1400
Science Education Journal Club

How important is it to encourage interest in science early in children's lives? How early in their lives do students decide to pursue a science-related career?

Mission Bay MH 2109
Mission Bay Mission Hall 1401
Parnassus Library CL 220
Genentech N-114
